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бесплатно рефератыCentral Intelligence Agency

DIA has a complicated structure. In its submission includes a number of educational institutions.

- National Security Agency (NSA) is a division of the Ministry of Defense, while working in liaison with the CIA. Under the executive order number 12333 NSA organizes and collects information through electronic surveillance, as well as the development of codes and ciphers. ANB has one of the largest in the U.S. centers for data processing, supply the most powerful computers in the United States. According to press reports the number of NSA personnel, including troops, more than 120 thousand people.

The agency serves about 2 thousand radio intercept stations located around the world.

2. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of the U.S. Army:

- Intelligence of the Ministry of the Army. The structure consists of intelligence departments of Army Staff in all theaters of war.

- Intelligence and Security Command U.S. Army. Its structure consists of Command Security and Intelligence U.S. Army (joints and parts of the U.S. Army) at the theaters.

3. The intelligence unit of the Ministry of the U.S. Air Force - Air Intelligence Agency, consisting of a central office (which numbered according to the press in 1988 amounted to 2,300 officers), and intelligence agencies in several theaters of military operations, and aviation commands, types of aircraft.

- National air and space exploration for the United States. According to press this administration budget exceeding $ 8 billion

- Command security and electronic warfare the U.S. Air Force, which according to press reports in 1983 were more than 10 thousand officers.

4. The intelligence unit of the Ministry of the Navy

- Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Naval units under his subordinates in the areas of operations of the fleets

- Command of Naval Intelligence

- Intelligence and Security Command U.S. Navy

- Intelligence of the U.S. Marine Corps

III. The intelligence organizations within the U.S. civilian agencies

By the intelligence organizations of the U.S. civilian agencies include:

- U.S. State Department's intelligence organizations

- Intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Commerce

- Intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Finance of the USA

- Intelligence organizations of the Ministry of Energy, USA

- FBI intelligence unit.

1. Exploration U.S. State Department

The Office of Intelligence and Research Department of State (IDA).

Under the executive order number 12333 IDA provides a collection of open methods of information necessary to conduct U.S. foreign policy, and prepare and distribute intelligence information.

However, IDA is coordinating with the other members of the intelligence community to collect information, and is also involved in covert operations. IBA asks the State Department officials after their return from zagrankomandirovok to obtain intelligence information, IBA participated in the development of the National Intelligence Program USA.

2. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of Commerce's

- Department intelligence ties

- Department of Intelligence Agency to facilitate export operations

- Department assess the possibilities of foreign ex tailor management

3. Intelligence unit of the Ministry of Finance of the USA

- Intelligence Support Division is responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence information through the capacity of the Ministry of Finance, as well as coordinating with other organizations of the intelligence community.

Gather information abroad engaged attache Financial Officer of the diplomatic representation of the United States.

Under the executive order number 12333 from 1981, the collection of information is made public methods. Information is collected on the financial and monetary situation of foreign countries.

- Secret Service of the Ministry of Finance - provides protection to the President and Vice-President, members of their families, official guests of the government, the protection of government buildings and facilities. Service has 1,5 thousand employees, it has been collecting intelligence and counterintelligence information on all U.S. and foreign organizations and individuals who may pose a potential threat to protected persons and objects.

4. Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Energy

- The Department of Defense Intelligence Information Management for International Security Affairs - has its first intelligence apparatus overseas, but every employee in the Ministry of Energy, going abroad is obliged to return to provide a written report containing his collection of information to the Office of International Security Affairs.

According to the executive order of President number 12333 this department collects information on foreign energy, especially on the development and manufacture of nuclear weapons, nuclear energy.

5. FBI intelligence unit - is the management of the FBI counterintelligence. It has a duty to obtain intelligence information, using all the tacit means at its disposal, both in the U.S. and abroad. It is not only the intelligence gathering of foreign nations, but also assists in collecting foreign intelligence information to other organizations of the intelligence community.

IY. Headquarters intelligence community or the Central Intelligence.

The coordinating body of all U.S. intelligence. It includes representatives of all U.S. intelligence agencies. The head of the headquarters director of central intelligence, who is ex officio director of the CIA. Director of Central Intelligence shall appoint Directorate. In the composition of the staff of Staff Intelligence consists of eight committees (service line), and several management teams.

The budget, the number of staff are published officially. In 1989 the budget amounted to 23,5 million dollars at the number of 224 persons.

Chapter 4 Legislation on intelligence

In the United States regularly published collections of regulations on the activities of the intelligence community.

In 1987 he was issued the next collection "Compilation on intelligence laws and relaited laws and executiwe orders of interest to the national intelligence community" in it - more than 100 existing regulations.

Principal regulations 11. National Security Act of 1947

This law was approved by the national security mechanism, consisting of the National Security Council, the Ministry of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency.

The same law, Article 102 was established by the CIA, headed by the Director of Central Intelligence, and obey the National Security Council, whose function is to coordinate the intelligence activities of all intelligence units and the idea of self-exploration.

Later this law was supplemented by three new sections, each of which consists of a series of self-made laws.

Section 5 - it included 2 adopted normative acts

1. Act on the Supervision of exploration, which establishes the control of the President of the implementation of covert operations.

2. Act 1988, reinforcing the re-President of the Congress regarding covert operations.

Section 6 - Law on the Protection of personal exploration in 1982

The law prohibits the disclosure of any information on manpower and agency of the CIA, and provides for strict penalties, including a very long prison terms, for any disclosure by any person, including congressmen.

Section 7 - Information about the CIA in 1984

This law intelligence derived from the application of the law in 1966 on freedom of information. Any information on the exploration should be published after consideration by the CIA.

12. Law on the CIA in 1949

Basically the law concerns the regulation of financial intelligence, its official activities, it has sections on information security and the CIA have sections that provide a simplified procedure for the adoption of American citizenship by persons who helped the CIA.

13. Pensions Act 1964 the CIA

All employees of U.S. government agencies use general state budget funds, and for the CIA that law provides for special pensions.

15. Law on the National Security Agency in 1959

14. Law on monitoring the activities of foreign intelligence services in 1978

There is a whole block of the laws governing the activities of intelligence services - is annually adopted a law on appropriations for U.S. intelligence activities. In these laws, except the approval of the actual budget provision for any but vye norms - extend or modify the rights of members of the intelligence community.

Executive orders of the U.S. President.

In American legal theory and practice, these executive orders BOXIES regarded as a kind of normative acts of executive power, forming part of federal law and are binding for all, without exception, U.S. government agencies.

The most important of the executive orders of the President on the activities of exploration is the order number 12333 from 1981

He defined the composition of the intelligence community and the challenges its members.

Chapter 5 Conclusion

To date, the intelligence community had the structure described above, but now, in connection with the collapse of the USSR, the changes in Eastern Europe and other events worldwide, as well as in connection with numerous high-profile failures and scandals, prepared by the radical restructuring of intelligence.

But in any case, intelligence will remain the most important component part of the soup of the American state.

Speaking January 4, 1994 at CIA headquarters before hundreds of mines by U.S. intelligence, U.S. President Bill Clinton said: "The intelligence is unique in the mission. No one knows this better than those who have the privilege of working in the White House Oval Office. By transferring the deposit CIA your photo with autograph, President Truman made her such an inscription: "Central Intelligence Agency, without which it can not get the U.S. president, from someone who knows about this firsthand.

Each of my day begins with questions about events that occurred before and during the night. Like my predecessors, I am compelled to seek answers to these questions, referring primarily to the intelligence community, since this is what prevents me and the entire nation on emerging threats, said the most important trends in the situation in the world. "

Then the President said: "The activities of intelligence is very important. The end of the Cold War," enhances the security of the United States, because it is intelligence, acting in many ways, helped to win in this confrontation, and certainly not by chance one of the fragments of the Berlin Wall is a monument to territory of the CIA. But this one, an updated world is full of dangers and, judging by the many events, it becomes even more complex and more difficult for a proper understanding of the processes. The Administration has an acute need for more active information on the development of ethnic conflicts, the growth of militant nationalism, the threat terrorism and proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction.

Accurate and reliable intelligence information is the key to understanding each of these problems and without taking difficult decisions verified on crises or long-term processes in the world. "

Brief details of the persons who headed the CIA

Roscoe Hillenketer.

Admiral. Since 1920, he served in the U.S. Navy. In 1932 he took part in the operation of U.S. forces in Nicaragua. In the 30's he worked in intelligence the United States Navy, then the naval attache in Paris. Participated in the howling is not against Japan. From 1946 re attachй in France. In 1947 he was appointed director of the CIA held this post until 1950.

Walter Bedell Smith.

General. Since 1928, U.S. military intelligence. In 1942 - Chief of Staff to General Eisenhower on the Mediterranean theater of operations. In 1946-1949. - U.S. Ambassador in Moscow. Since February 1953 Deputy Secretary of State. Director of the CIA from 1950 to 1953.

Allen Dulles.

Scout professional. Younger brother of John Foster Dulles, U.S. Secretary of State in the Eisenhower. Most of his life devoted oss-_ 35 _ and then the CIA. Director of the CIA from 1953 to 1961 the first purely professional head of CIA covert operations.

John McCone.

Large bznesmen a multimillionaire. In 30 - 40-ies. - President of several companies. Director of the CIA from 1961 to 1965, was an influential figure in the last stages of the Kennedy Presidency. After retiring from the CIA became one of the directors of the American company "International Telephon & Telegraph".

William Reyborn.

Vice-Admiral. Since 1932, the U.S. Navy. In the last years of service in the Navy conducted a special program to develop submarines, armed with missiles "Polaris". After leaving in 1963, resigned, was appointed vice-president of a major military concern "Aerojet General Corporation", producing missiles. CIA Director from April 1965 to June 1966

Richard Helms.

Scout professional Helms ancestors on the paternal side emigrated to the U.S. from Germany. Father - one of the leaders of Aluminum consortium in America. In 1942 he enlisted in the Navy as a lieutenant.

In 1943, seconded to the CID. Since 1945, associated with Dulles, served as a resident in Western countries. One of the founders of the CIA. Supervised Special Operations Division since its inception. Director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973

James Schlesinger.

A government official in 1950 graduated from Faculty of Economics at Harvard. from 1963 to 1969 worked at the RAND Corporation, headed the department of Strategic Studies. Since 1969 - Assistant Director of the Budget Bureau. In July 1971 he was appointed Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, USA. A long time engaged in the research questions nat. security, politics and finance. CIA Director from February to July 1973 After leaving the CIA was appointed Minister of Defense.

William Colby.

Scout professional. Began service in the CIA from November 1950 under the "roof" the diplomat worked for the CIA station in Stockholm, Rome and Saigon. Then headed the Far Eastern Division in Lenlgli. In 1972 he became deputy director of the CIA on "Planning", ie immediate supervisor of service that U.S. intelligence all covert operations. Director of the CIA from 1973 to 1976

George W. Bush.

Businessman, politician. From 1942 to 1945 served as a pilot on an aircraft carrier. After the war, selling oilfield equipment. He organized an oil company in Texas. From 1966 to 1970 - Member of Congress. A 1971-1972 U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN. Director of the CIA from 1976 to 1977

Stensfild Turner.

Admiral. From 1971 to 1972, head of systems analysis in the management of the commander of naval operations. From 1974 to 1975 - Commander of the 2 nd Fleet, U.S. Atlantic Fleet and the shock of NATO. Since 1975 - The commander of NATO forces in Southern Europe. Director of the CIA from 1977 to 1981

William Casey.

Scout professional. During the Second World War led the operation OSS in the European theater of military operations. After many years practiced law on Wall Street, founded a number of companies, has acquired millions. From 1981 to 1987 - the CIA director, the first time in the history of American intelligence was elevated to the rank of a Cabinet Minister.

William Webster.

Lawyer and politician. Military service from 1943 to 1946 took place in the U.S. Navy Reserve.

Since 1949, he graduated from the Faculty of Law. Washington, worked in a private law firm - until 1956, when he was appointed District Attorney (Eastern District of Missouri).

Since 1971 - District Judge since 1973 - a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal. In 1978 - 1987 gg. - Director of the FBI. In 1987

following the resignation on health grounds W. Casey, and the failed appointment of Secretary Gates, has been appointed director of the CIA.

Currently, the Central Intelligence Agency is headed by John Deutch. There is reliable information about near his bias.


"National Security Act of 1947 ... gave exploration a more influential position in our government than that which belongs to the exploration of any other government."

(A. Dulles)

"I am absolutely convinced of the need to preserve the CIA's capabilities for covert operations ... There is a definite foreign policy, which requires a secret activities."

(William Webster)

"I came to a deep conviction that we must maintain our exploration at the level of efficiency and continuously improve its effectiveness. We can not afford to weaken the CIA."

(George Bush)

"In our country there is a powerful and dangerous secret cult cult intelligence.

The meaning of this cult in achieving foreign policy goals of the U.S. government secret and usually illegal means ... "

(V. Marchetti)

"It's nice to hear about the competence and high professional qualities of the CIA and other intelligence agencies ..."

(J. Carter)

"Our government, like others, really taking action in the field of covert operations, in order to carry out foreign policy and protect our national security ..."

(J. Ford)

"... We Americans are working in intelligence, are proud of it and those improvements that we have made in this ancient profession."

(W. Colby)

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