рефераты Знание — сила. Библиотека научных работ.
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бесплатно рефератыВидеозанятия в системе обучения иностранной речи

a) to go b) went c) go

2. We _____ to stay at home because it was raining.

a) have been b) will c) had

3. Mother was cooking supper while father _____ his favourite newspapers.

a) read b) was reading c) had read

4. Young artists _____ good training in art school.

a) received b) receive c) are receiving

5. We shall discuss the results when we _____ our expedition.

a) finish b) shall finish c) have finished

6. I _____ Ann today.

a) had not seen b) have not seen c) didn't see

7. They hoped you ______ help them.

a) will b) should c) would

8. We _____ English for 7 years already.

a) have studied b) have been studying c) had studied

10. Fill in the missing words. Use the words from the box.

opera prince minister nurse to develop

to be born delicate condition heroine play to honour

1. William Shakespeare _______________ in 1564.

2. Jane is a very __________ girl.

3. Margaret Thatcher is the first woman _______________ of Britain.

4. Florence Nightingale was a _______________ in the army.

5. People remember Florence Nightingale as a kind, generous and delicate lady. She is a national _______________ .

6. William Shakespeare wrote tragedies, comedies, sonnets and _______________ .

7. I'd like to go to the ___________________.

11. Choose the correct word to fit into each sentence.

1. His teacher always __________ his mistakes.

a) reveals b) explains c) exposes d) marks

2. This is a good __________ of Byron's poetry.

a) cause b) difference c) experiement d) example

3. George Washington's birthday is a public __________ in the U.S.A.

a) health b) harvest c) holiday d) husband

4. The last electric __________ had gone when we go to the station.

a) plant b) passenger c) lorry d) train

5. Our country has a democratic __________ .

a) railway b) stream c) government d) mountain

6. An __________ of modern artists' work was opened in the museum of Fine Arts last Saturday.

a) industry b) education c) exhibition d) execption

7. Father wanted Bob to _______________ an engineer.

a) become b) speak c) think d) seem

8. Last year she _____________ English lessons to a group of our students.

a) worked b) defended c) drew d) gave

9. The boy helped me to _____________ heavy box into the house.

a) cover b) invite c) carry d) lose

10. At school I always __________ in the first row.

a) found b) became c) sat d) fed

11. She __________ me a magazine to read.

a) became b) brought c) compared d) caught

12. You must not drink the water __________ from this lake.

a) appeared b) refused c) taken d) defended

13. When you __________ 5 to 2, the total is 7.

a) move b) add c) open d) prove

14. They made a __________ to keep warm.

a) thing b) ready c) piece d) fire

15. John Milton decided to join the __________ for freedom not by fighting but by writing.

a) struggle b) surprise c) terrible d) success

16. The reporter asked Bob to __________ him the place where the car had stopped.

a) run b) take c) give d) show

17. The English language __________ will take place at our school in May.

a) tradition b) competition

c) condition d) attention

18. We __________ our things on that shelf.

a) know b) keep c) sleep d) wake

19. The __________ travels around the sun.

a) death b) east c) land d) earth

20. The __________ of his friends was stronger than that of his own family.

a) birth b) government

c) influence d) harvest

21. You must work hard to ___________ your knowledge.

a) move b) like c) improve d) mean

22. The great artisit did not pay __________ to his appearance.

a) purpose b) attention c) demand d) excuse

12. Choose the correct word to fit into each sentence.

1. Can he ____________ English?

a) speaks b) speaking c) speak d) to speak

2. John speaks English, but __________ ?

a) does Margaret b) speaks Margaret

c) Margaret speaks d) Margaret does

3. What time __________ lunch?

a) does Jack has b) Jack has

c) do Jack has d) does Jack have

4. __________ you written the letter to our teacher?

a) Shall b) Will c) Have d) Having

5. When __________ her homework?

a) Ella usually does b) does Ella do usually

c) usually does Ella d) does Ella usually do

6. If you work hard, you __________ your exams well.

a) pass b) will pass c) have passed d) are passing

7. His son is __________ .

a) so old as yours b) as old as your one

c) so old as your one d) as old as yours

8. I'm sorry that I had to stop our conversation ________ telephone.

a) for answer b) for answering

c) to answer d) to answering

9. He has three children, __________ he?

a) don't b) hasn't c) haven't d) hadn't

10. All the questions of this test should ___________ .

a) answer b) to answer c) be answered d) to be answered

11. Oh, sorry! What a sad mistake!- __________ !

a) Not at all b) Pleased to meet you

c) You're welcome d) That's all right

12. They've been looking for you __________ .

a) in all places b) everywhere

c) anywhere d) for all places

13. Is it __________ that you will buy a new car?

a) true b) simple c) sorry d) able

14. Father is __________ , he can't go for a walk with you.

a) bought b) sold c) busy d) drew

15. When you speak slowly, I __________ you, when you speak quickly, I don't.

a) introduce b) realize

c) understand d) listen

16. We must __________ in critical situations.

a) laugh b) feel c) wait d) act

17. What time is the first ___________ of the film?

a) show b) play

c) performance d) programme

13. Choose the correct word to fit into each sentence.

1. Must we __________ the poem by heart?

a) to learn b) learning c) learn d) being learned

2. Has Fred got his books now? Yes, my brother __________ yesterday.

a) has given them to him b) gave them to him

c) gave to him them d) has given to him them

3. Where __________ on Sundays?

a) do Mike do b) Mike goes

c) Mike does go c) does Mike go

4. __________ you read anything by Dickens?

a) Are b) Were c) Have d) Was

5. They invited him yesterday but he __________ .

a) didn't yet say that yes b) didn't yet say yes

c) hasn't yet said yes d) hasn't said yes yet

6. If I __________ James I ___________ happy to give him the present.

a) will see __ am b) see ___ will be

c) see ___ am c) will see ___ will be

7. Is Mary __________ Pam?

a) taller that b. so tall as c) taller d) as tall as

8. Ask him to go to this shop __________ some food.

a) in order he buys b) for buying

c) to buy d) for to buy

9. She'd written that before, __________ ?

a) didn't she b) wouldn't she

c) hadn't she d) shouldn't she?

10. Your answer __________ to that question is incorrect.

a) give b) given c) gave d) giving

11. The day was really __________ , with the bright sun shining in the blue sky.

a) independent b) beautiful

c) terrible d) yellow

12. It was quite __________ when we got back from the trip.

a) part b) last c) late d) giving

13. The doctor didn't allow her to carry __________ things.

a) honest b) general c) easy d) heavy

14. After I had read through the text I was _________ to do the test correctly.

a) full b) hard c) ill d) able

15. Everybody enjoyed the film __________ me.

a) unless b) not c) except d) although

16. Have you visited your parents? __________ .

a) Not yet b) Not ever c) Already d) Ever

17. There is an old apple-tree __________ house.

a) in b) between c) behind d) through

18. He won't be able to lift it __________ we help him.

a) but b) unless c) when d) or

19. I cannot discuss the problem right now, __________ some other day.

a) seldom b) near c) although d) perhaps

20. I will go, __________ I would rather stay at home.

a) whether b) although c) if d) just

14. Choose the correct word to fit into each sentence.

1. He __________ a bad mistake.

a) did b) went c) put d) made

2. Anthony __________ the TV set back to the shop.

a) borrowed b) took c) returned d) left

3. We had __________ and potatoes for dinner.

a) wind b) fog c) meat d) sand

4. They sat near the __________ to keep warm.

a) cloud b) snow c) coal d) fire

5. Vistors can see many interesting __________ in the new museum.

a) fruits b) things c) enemies d) laws

6. We don't want to __________ in town this summer.

a) stay b) develop c) excuse d) decide

7. Last autumn he __________ a student from our university.

a) jumped b) invented c) became d) learned

8. You must __________ before you answer.

a) belong b) think c) happen d) like

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